Rediscovered love: avocado
Somehow I always thought I didn’t like avocados. Some years back, I remember not really loving it, but not hating it either… I guess I just remembered the “not liking it” part. Turns out I actually do like avocado, in fact: I love them! I just hate cutting them up and everything before I can eat them ;) This time I sliced up the avocado and had it on crisp bread with some hummus, cherry tomatoes and a pinch of salt.
The green salad
Nothing new about a green salad really, but here’s a variation of it I like to make for lunch! If you make quite a big salad of it, it’s super filling! And not to mention, very very healthy. Okay, so it doesn’t look all that tasty, but don’t knock it till you try it! Check it out:
A stuffed red pepper creation
I’m always looking for simple but delicious things to eat for lunch, my second favorite meal of the day. Next to breakfast, of course ;) I recently got some beautiful red peppers while shopping for groceries, and when lunchtime rolled around I thought: why not put my usual scrambled eggs in a red pepper for a change? Turns out that was a wonderful idea, because it was very tasty!
I love grocery shopping
One “chore” that I really love to do is shopping for my (semi-)weekly groceries! For me it’s more of a fun trip than something I “have” to do. I like making lists and I like (roughly) planning what I’m going to eat – even though it sometimes takes a lot of thought -, it’s just exciting to think of all the healthy options that are out there! So I decided I wanted to show you what I buy on an average shopping trip. It varies every week, but this is basically what I always have at home.