bucket list

Life List: 25 before 25

I am one of those people who loves lists. I love to make them (on paper, of course) and love to cross things off of those lists. Isn’t that the best feeling, crossing something off your to do list? Well, I like that feeling. Sometimes – after I finish something – I wish I had put it on a list, just so I could cross it off. A kind of list I come across quite often (on blogs, in particular) is a kind of bucket list*: things they want to do or accomplish before they turn a certain age. Me, as a list lover, passing up on the chance of writing up a list? Never. Certainly not when it gets me to think about my life, about what I want from it. That gets me to the point: I made a list of 25 things I’d like to do before I turn 25 (which means I will have 2,5 years to cross out my entire list). If you like, you can read the complete list here, but for this blogpost I picked out 3 items to zoom in on.
Travel alone


I never thought of myself as a traveler. I don’t know why, maybe it’s because I haven’t traveled that much (yet!) in my life. But I recently discovered my love for traveling. It all started with my decision to move to the other side of the world for 5 months, to trade in Holland for tropical Curacao. Before actually leaving, I traveled to London. First time on a plane, first time in the city. All super exciting and something I want more of! And to make things even more exciting, I really want to travel by myself. Discover a new city/country all by myself, having to figure it out all alone. I think that would be good for me.