


Listening to the tv in the background. I have 24Kitchen on, perfect background tv channel! And of course, I love to actually watch it too ;)

Loving the feeling after finally doing something that really needed to be done, but I was a little too lazy to do before. Feels good to get things done!

Reading Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. This has been on my “to read list” for about 5 years, and I finally started reading it! I actually forgot I had a copy, but I read something about the movie and I realized I had the book & I really wanted to read it, before seeing the movie :)

Watching Gilmore Girls. I’m addicted.

Craving chocolate.

Missing a nice sleeping pattern. On Curaçao I was used to getting up at 7am almost every morning, without a problem. Nowadays I can’t seem to get out of bed until it’s after 10 in the morning.
