21 februari 2013
Snapshots of my life #7

Time for a visual update on my life again! Prepare for lots of food pictures ;)


  1. Made some super easy icecream from frozen bananas + a little cashewbutter.
  2. I’m becoming a green tea junkie, as well as a Gilmore Girls junkie! The both of them together… well, you can imagine that’s like heaven for me ;)


  1. Brainstorming session for my graduation project. 
  2. Salad salad salad! I blogged about this one here.


  1. Super yummy dinner, I’m getting hungry just looking at it! So so good, and really simple. I know I’m a tease, but recipe on the blog soon! (Though it’s not hard to figure out if you study the pictures ;))
  2. Frozen pizza topped with fresh tomatoes and red onion, yum. Did I ever mention how much I love red onion?


  1. Cozy time on the couch with a blanket and Gilmore Girls on my tv.
  2. Green tea time!


  1. finally got a couch!!! Yes, I’m super exciting about that, ‘cause in the 3,5 years I’ve been living by myself I never had a couch before! And it’s PINK, hello amazing couch!
  2. I love this little guy so much! How cool does my nephew look in his sweater & cap? He’s turning 3 already this June, time flies.


  1. Did some late night easy baking: sugarfree cinnamon meringues. I’ll write a blogpost with the recipe for you, stay tuned.
  2. Breakfast heaven! Accidentally scrambled my pancake, but that didn’t make it taste less amazing of course. Yum.


  1. I sorted through all my books and ended up sorting them by size. Me + books + organizing = perfect combination! Evening well spent.
  2. Made these delicious little balls after finding a recipe and discovering I had all the ingredients at home. Recipe will be blogged!


  1. Aahhh, more breakfast goodness. Can’t help it!
  2. Eggfree scrambled mess for breakfast, very very tasty!


  1. My treat after a workout: a green smoothie. Green smoothies don’t have the best looks, but their taste is so good. And it makes your body feel good!
  2. Simple simple lunch: toasted spelt bread with cucumber & red bell pepper on a bed of spinach (which has quickly become one of my favorite vegetables – uncooked that is).


  1. Seriously good chocolate cupcakes, and seriously healthy too. You probably know what I’m gonna say next: recipe will be up soon!
  2. Took an hour-long walk around my (new) neighbourhood. Perfect to relax, listen to my favorite music and clear my head a little. Plus it’s a nice exercise.


  1. Went running for the first time in my life and after I watched the news (!!) while enjoying some coconut water/pineapple juice. 
  2. YES, lunch time. I really enjoy lunch time, can you tell? (but not more than breakfast time though!) Spinach + goat’s cheese salad and toasted spelt bread with cucumber + orange bell pepper (my fave).


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13 reacties op “Snapshots of my life #7”

  1. Bianca schreef:

    Hmm ik kijk uit naar je vele lekkere receptjes!
    Je bent erg goed bezig!

  2. Suzanne schreef:

    Lovely pictures !

  3. Olga schreef:

    Gezonde foto’s voornamelijk ;)

  4. Angelina schreef:

    Fijn overzichtje! :))

  5. Anja schreef:

    Wat gaaf dat je een roze bank hebt!

  6. Jorien schreef:

    Heerlijke foto’s om te zien, en wat ben jij in shape joh *moet ook eens van de bank af komen*

  7. Joyce schreef:

    So much yummy looking food!

  8. Ise schreef:

    Ziet er allemaal erg lekker en gezond uit!

  9. Jesdiny schreef:

    Je neefje is zo cute!

  10. Wendy schreef:

    Hmmm, heel veel eten. Krijg er trek van.

  11. Indira schreef:

    Het is wel aan je te zien dat je zo gezond eet! :)

  12. Daniëlle schreef:

    Al dat lekkere eten, mmm. Ben benieuwd naar de recepten.

  13. Iris schreef:

    Oeh, dat bananen-‘ijs’ maakte ik met kerst, zo lekker! Ik was het alweer helemaal vergeten, moet het snel weer een keer maken :D

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