27 april 2013
Snapshots: lunch, selfies + planks

Man, how I love breakfast! Especially when I put in a big spoonful of nut butter, or in this case: almond butter. So good! // Had a “meeting” at school, this is my Spring-proof outfit of that day ;)

Salad for lunch is always a succes! // Or: scrambled eggs for lunch, always a succes, too. Especially when combined with smoked salmon, yum.

This is my favorite snack to pack when I go out the door: mixed nuts, a few dates, goji berries and raw cacao nibs. Perfect to cure your sweet tooth ;) // Hanging out with my sister and her friend, I brought my own lunch & resisted the temptation of McDonald’s. Go me!

Dried figs, I love these so much! // Found an instant coffee that isn’t coffee. No caffeine, no real coffee, but it tastes exactly like coffee (or what I remember coffee tasted like). Healthy alternative!

Found this awesome shirt in my closet, very Spring-y // A favorite breakfast version: oats with mango and dried figs.

I love my new floral leggings! // “Cheat” meal: pizza! I will never stop loving pizza, seriously.

I broke my personal plank record, I didn’t think I could do it, but I did. So proud of myself! Now onto a 3-minute plank! ;) // Very random dinner, but very good. Love avocado!

These little pieces of heaven // Homemade lunch at the library.

Outfit of the day, at H&M dressing rooms // Where I bought this turquoise sport top plus black sport shorts.

Stuffed red pepper with scrambled eggs // I baked healthy zucchini-date bread! You’ll see both of these recipes on my blog soon :)

Since I haven’t been able to run lately, I started going on bike rides. Love it! // Me and my big bun ;)

Reading Stephen Hawking’s A brief history of time out in the sun. Lovely weather + an interesting read = perfection // Today, I ran for the first time in weeks! Didn’t run a lot, but it’s a start!

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21 reacties op “Snapshots: lunch, selfies + planks”

  1. Marieke schreef:

    Wauw, jouw food-foto’s zien er altijd zó lekker uit! Ik krijg er altijd ideeën van! Zoals bijvoorbeeld die gevulde paprika met omelet… Hmmm!

  2. Charlotte schreef:

    Superleuke foto’s.
    Wat eet je toch heerlijke dingen :D

  3. Laura schreef:

    I think your salad looks much better and way more appealing than McDonalds food!

    Have you ever considered making your own pizza dough from scratch? I think it’s much healthier to make your own pizza (and a lot of fun, too!). It’s even convenient because I can get eight pizzas out of one batch, so I just put the rest in the freezer, which makes it a cheap and sort of healthy meal :-)

    • Alyssa schreef:

      Mmm, that sounds like a good idea! What do you make your dough of?

      • Laura schreef:

        The recipe is from the Masterchef Australia website and you can find it here: http://schrijfmeisje.nl/zelfgemaakte-pizza/

        However, I’ve adapted it slightly. I found that 30 grams of salt is way too much. I don’t really weigh it any more so I can’t give you an exact number, but if you put in too little salt, you probably don’t notice it except for the crust. I solve that by putting a pinch of salt in the olive oil that I brush on the crust. The rest of the pizza is salty enough as it is with the cheese or Parmesan (whatever is in my fridge) I put on it.

        Also, I had some trouble with the yeast. I still use dried yeast, make a paste of it and then dissolve it entirely in luke-warm water.

        I think you want to get rid of the sugar though, as I know you avoid that. Hope you can use the recipe! Let me know if you have questions.

  4. Josie schreef:

    Hmm ziet er allemaal lekker uit zeg. En wat een leuk jasje heb je aan op de 2e foto, love it :)

  5. Martina schreef:

    Zo leuk om te zien!

  6. Kimberly schreef:

    Ik krijg honger door je food foto’s!

  7. Angelina schreef:

    Hmm ziet er allemaal goed uit, nu heb ik ook honger haha!

  8. Deborah schreef:

    Heerlijk al die gezonde salades!

  9. Sabine schreef:

    Your snapshots are the most inspiring of all, I think. Ha. :D Love your food and workout updates!

  10. Joyce schreef:

    Wat ben je geweldig goed bezig Alyssa, ik blijf het maar zeggen! Wat een healthy meals en hey, die pizza mag echt wel hoor. What’s not to love about pizza? <3

  11. Jolien schreef:

    Ik hou echt van jouw foto’s. Altijd zo mooi!

  12. Denise schreef:

    Wauw wauw. Ik wil al jouw ontbijtjes en lunches zó overnemen. Zo veel variatie, geweldig :P. Ik woon niet op mezelf, dus we hebben ook niet alles in huis wat ik zou willen. En 2,30 minuten plank! Zo, hee. Ik denk dat ik aan 2 minuten kom, maar echt nog niet meer. Ik moet het ook eens gaan bijhouden.

  13. Laura schreef:

    Ik heb gisteren ook een gigantische pizza gegeten, haha. Zonder zou ik echt niet kunnen hoor! Jouw recepten zijn altijd zo enorm inspirerend :)

  14. annouska schreef:

    Weer veel te lekkere gerechten en maaltijden… Leuke schoenen trouwens!!

  15. Sas schreef:

    Super leuk zo’n foto overzicht!

  16. Eline schreef:

    leuke foto’s!

  17. Indira schreef:

    Ik krijg er trek van!

  18. akane kinomoto schreef:

    I love these summary kind of posts. Love seeing what you’ve been eating and what you’ve been doing. I need to start a category like that for my blog too…!

  19. Charlotte schreef:

    Leuke foto’s Alyss <3

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