15 februari 2013
Project! 365 Days of New Things
I’m not sure about the name 365 Days of New Things yet, but I will decide later ;) The important thing here is the fact that I am starting a new “365 days” project. It’s based on something I read in a magazine, about people starting these year-long projects where they choose something that they’ll do every day for a year. I say mine is based on it, because I won’t choose just one thing… my project is about doing something new every day. However little this something new might be! And of course I’ll blog about these (little) things. My goal is to get creative, to learn more about myself (and what I like or do not like) and to maybe even overcome some of my stupid (little) fears ;)

I guess that for now I will just stick with the name 365 Days of New Things. Sounds alright, doesn’t it? So why start today? Well… there’s no time like the present, right? I decided that it’s quite useless to wait for a “perfect moment” to start with something. A year will pass from today on as much as it would from January 1st, won’t it? ;) Anyway, my “little thing” for Day One is pretty simple: I impulsively decided to start this project, loved the idea of it and decided to go with it right away. I’m trying not to think so much about everything anymore and to live more in the moment, so here you go! Not let’s see how this project will develop itself! You’ll hear it from me ;)


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11 reacties op “Project! 365 Days of New Things”

  1. Yak Man schreef:

    klinkt erg leuk, ben erg benieuwd!Doet me denken aan de quote. ‘Do something everyday that scares you’ — eleanor roosevelt :)

  2. Masha schreef:

    Klinkt super! Ik ben benieuwd naar alles wat je gaat doen :)

  3. Anja schreef:

    Wat een leuk idee! Ben benieuwd naar je blogpost!

  4. Shanti schreef:

    Wat leuk! Succes, ben benieuwd wat voor nieuwe dingen je allemaal gaat doen!

  5. Jesdiny schreef:

    Wat een leuk idee! Ik ben erg benieuwd!

  6. Anouk schreef:

    Succes! Ennuh, 1 januari is geen verplichting uiteraard ;)

  7. Jolien schreef:

    Leuk idee! Ik ben benieuwd!

  8. Ise schreef:

    Leuk idee! Ik heb ook een 365dagenproject gedaan, al ging dat niet helemaal vlekkeloos. Hopelijk lukt het je beter :)

  9. Jorien schreef:

    Hier ben ik wel benieuwd naar. Ik moet mijn 365 project van vorig jaar nog verder uitwerken haha.

  10. annouska schreef:

    Oeh ik vind dit altijd een leuke opdracht en ben benieuwd waar je dus mee gaat komen!!

  11. […] the first week has passed since I started my “new things” project! I love it so far, it’s a good way to challenge myself really do something new every day. […]

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