16 januari 2013
Currently… #2

Listening to Rest Of My Life by Ludacris, Usher & David Guetta. That song makes me happy, and I love the video.

Loving the thought of having my very own little apartment back home! Yay for a clean bathroom and no waiting line for the kitchen ;)

Reading a lot of unread blogs in my Bloglovin’!

Watching the second season of 2 Broke Girls. Such a funny show, makes me laugh out loud every time.

Craving fresh fruits.

Missing all my friends/roommates who have already gone back to Holland…




17 reacties op “Currently… #2”

  1. Rebecca schreef:

    Loving the picture you made <3 And 2Broke Girls is amazing, I just love the new season! I also had to laugh many times so loud that I was afraid my neighbors thought that I am crazy :P Have you already watched all of it so far?

    • Alyssa schreef:

      Thank you! Haha yeah, I was thinking the same yesterday, I was laughing so much :P I’ve watched 7 episodes so far.

      • Rebecca schreef:

        uuuh than look out for the newer episodes :) don’t gonna spoil it, but it gets really cool! :D by the way I really like your blog, I am following it for a while now :)

        • Alyssa schreef:

          I’m very curious now! And thank you! I’m following your blog now too :)

          • Rebecca schreef:

            Wow, I feel honored :) Thanks ;) Let me know what you think of the new episodes :D I have also a personal blog, but only since the new year (which still is very young) but it is not really “public” yet :P
            ps. I am Dutch, too :)

  2. Claudia schreef:

    All of them? but it won’t be long until you get back too, I guess..? I’m just worried about the cold-shock you’ll get, haha.

    • Alyssa schreef:

      No, but my good friends have all gone home! But it won’t be long no, I will go on saturday. Hopefully I’ll get used to the cold soon ;)

  3. Indira schreef:

    Ben benieuwd naar hoe je nieuwe appartementje eruit ziet!

  4. Suzanne schreef:

    Heerlijk thuis een appartementje. Wel jammer dat de rest al naar huis is. En succes met lezen van de posts op bloglovin. Ik ben er net door heen!

  5. Anouk schreef:

    De foto, die is gewoon echt heel mooi. Hoe doe je het toch iedere keer ;)

  6. marleen schreef:

    ik kijk uit naar een home tour in je nieuwe huisje! ;)

  7. Jorien schreef:

    Prachtige foto! <3

  8. Ilse schreef:

    Heerlijk vooruitzicht dat je een eigen appartementje hebt wanneer je thuis bent, des te grotere reden om al je vrienden uit te nodigen voor een housewarming!

  9. Sas schreef:

    Leuk lijstje!

  10. Quincy schreef:

    Met dat lijstje ben je dan wel nog even zoet haha :-)

  11. annouska schreef:

    Wat een onwijs leuk lijstje.. ^^

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