Monthly Archives: april 2013
Healthy zucchini-date bread

Doesn’t sound very tasty now does it?! Well, let me tell you: this bread is very tasty! Even though there is no sugar in this, it tastes quite sweet – almost like cake! At least I thought so… but what do I know about sweetness anymore? ;) Anyway, about this zucchini bread: don’t knock it till you try it! Seriously! And did I mention how healthy it is?


Alyssaa on Facebook

Just a quick update to let you guys know that I finally caved and created a Facebook page for my blog! Exciting, huh? I thought so. So if you like my blog, show me some love on FB! ;) And as a little extra thank you for liking my blog, I will be doing a giveaway* on Facebook pretty soon… and it will involve nail polish!


Oh, and you’ll also be the first to know when my nail polish blogsale will be online! I am in “Spring cleaning” mode, so expect a lot of choice ;)

* Due to shipping etc., the giveaway will only be for those of you living in Holland or Belgium!

Snapshots: lunch, selfies + planks

Man, how I love breakfast! Especially when I put in a big spoonful of nut butter, or in this case: almond butter. So good! // Had a “meeting” at school, this is my Spring-proof outfit of that day ;)

Salad for lunch is always a succes! // Or: scrambled eggs for lunch, always a succes, too. Especially when combined with smoked salmon, yum.

This is my favorite snack to pack when I go out the door: mixed nuts, a few dates, goji berries and raw cacao nibs. Perfect to cure your sweet tooth ;) // Hanging out with my sister and her friend, I brought my own lunch & resisted the temptation of McDonald’s. Go me!

Dried figs, I love these so much! // Found an instant coffee that isn’t coffee. No caffeine, no real coffee, but it tastes exactly like coffee (or what I remember coffee tasted like). Healthy alternative!

I love grocery shopping

One “chore” that I really love to do is shopping for my (semi-)weekly groceries! For me it’s more of a fun trip than something I “have” to do. I like making lists and I like (roughly) planning what I’m going to eat – even though it sometimes takes a lot of thought -, it’s just exciting to think of all the healthy options that are out there! So I decided I wanted to show you what I buy on an average shopping trip. It varies every week, but this is basically what I always have at home.


Geplaatst in Lifestyle
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Raw cashew-coconut-chocolate balls

I like to snack. Preferably on sweet things. Which used to be kind of a bad habit – until I changed my lifestyle and started eating healthy. I rarely crave anything super sweet anymore, can you believe it? But when I dothere are tons of healthy options; like these yummy little creations! Raw, no-bake cashew-coconut-chocolate balls. Don’t really know how to call them, but this seems accurate enough ;) Read on for the recipe!


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